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These are mp3s for download, (right click link and 'save as'). Recorded at 160kbps for better than standard mp3 quality. The Vortex is the only FX unit used, and there's no overdubing or editing. The set up was guitar (with on board distortion) DI-ed through a TLA valve EQ into a mixer, sending out to the Vortex, and then straight to Hard Disk.

Playlist of all examples.
Allows you to stream all the examples here.
'Orbits' preset 155Kb
A leslie simulation, Lexicon seemed particularly pleased by the way the 'rotation' slows down as you hit the footswitch.
Sustaining Morph 257Kb
A stereo echo type patch which I configured so that using the footpedal I could sustain a chord, turning it into a synth-like swirl.
Odd aggressive rhythm 178Kb
The same patch as above, but a very different effect. All the noise comes from one chord struck once.
Various processing 725Kb
The Vortex modulators can produce sounds barely related to the input, in this case there is also a stereo echo of the clean signal. In the middle of this example I morph to to a combination where these 2 distinct elements intermingle.
Create texture and transform 708Kb
Here I use the pedal as a swell so I can create a texture using the onboard distortion from my guitar. Then I morph the texture into a loop of two alternating timbres. The excuse for the little guitar 'solo' over the top off this is that it shows you can have stereo processing (in this case quite subtle) while the loop is going in the background. Luckily I decided to fade out after it starts.
Swells, polyechoes, and more1393Kb
More use of the footpedal as a swell. Using related echo times in a ratio of 3:4 each note or chord becomes a rhythm. Complex interlocking patterns giving the impression of a longer delay time than is actually being used. The 7/8 figure which appears at 0:40 is a morphic rearrangement of what was going through the two echoes.
2 Panned Loops 479Kb
Here I use the mixer to send sound first to the right input of the Vortex, then the left (then both). This creates 2 loops of different length (ratio 2:3) which are panned independently. One of the loops has a more processed sound.
More Examples
I have a website full of amazing music made with the Vortex. Plenty of gig recordings, and some mindbending excerpts from my CD ('livelooping').
This is where I discovered the Vortex.
Harmony Central
A vast muso resource with a section on effects pedals. Includes Vortex reviews.
They no longer support the Vortex, but do email them with questions, they will respond. Keep in mind that the Vortex designers are long gone from the company.
Small electronic repairs firm. They fixed my JBL Eon speaker overnight ready for a gig, so they deserve a link. Will fix 'anything with wires' (which includes valve amps). Abeltronics can fix the rotary encoder on your Vortex (or related product), they have a small supply of exact replacement encoders (hard to source).

If you'd like to swap reciprocal links then email me with details, aslong as your site is relevant.

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For questions/suggestions/contributions please contact : andy butler
email [email protected]